C14 Journal Issue N03
The Deerhunting Concept is the encouragement to chase one’s own dreams at the expense of convention. Deer hunting is used as a primitive metaphor and nomadic research of meanings and emotions, therefore in my utterly debatable personal opinion, an essential activity for survival. I asked everyone in the studio to take advantage of the furniture fair in order to identify projects which reflect passion, express consistency and display willingness. The aim is to create a small unconditional, impartial column, on 9 excellences from the famous Milanese furniture week chosen by our studio. A pretentious approach in a way, though extremely amusing and helpful for us, as we have an almost physical need to freely express our personal opinions. The concept: observe the exhibitions with the hunger of primitive men and not like opinionated film critics going to a premiere. Go hunting and bring home some food for your souls and for the other members of the tribe.